
Minister of Agriculture visits famous agricultural farm

“We work with nine thousand direct employees and with quality material. We have a turnover of R$ 25 million, per week”, said Luiz Roberto.
In the afternoon of this Wednesday, 23, the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Blairo Maggi, was at Agrícola Famosa, the largest melon production farm in Latin America, located between the cities of Mossoró, Tibau and Icapuí (CE). The minister has an agenda in the region, therefore it is expected him to stay in the state until this Thursday, 24.
During the visit, Blairo Maggi was satisfied with Agrícola Famosa’s large-scale production, even though it is located in the Northeast of the country, where the weather is not so favorable. “It is surprising to see something so well panned and that has been providing millionaire profits in a place where the drought is prevalent” said the Agriculture Minister.
Luiz Roberto Barcelos, highlighted the importance of agricultural production in that region and he spoke about the farm production capacity. “we work with nine thousand direct employees and with quality material. We have a turnover of R$25 million per week”, said Luiz Roberto.
Luiz explained how the production of fruit is made, beginning with the elaboration of the seed, until the techniques of planting. “We produce the seedlings and leave them in a period of germination. After we began to produce our seedlings we had a better quality standard and a greater use of the number of seedlings that are germinated. After this process of germination, the seedlings are planted and then the planting of the fruit begins”, he said.
The main focus of Agrícola Famosa is melon, which supplies the intern and extern market (mainly European). However, the farm also produces other types of fruit, such as papaya, watermelon, banana, and passion fruit, among others. In addition to fruit, vegetables and greens, such as lettuce, peppers and tomatoes are also produces.
Asked by the Minister of Agriculture about the Agrícola Famosa’s production, the businessman Luiz Roberto informed that the farm is able of producing a quantity o fruit that can supply the needs of a city of 1 million inhabitants, for example”, he said.
Every week, 3 million plants are harvest, each one with two melons. The businessman said he is able to harvest about 1 million units of melon a day. “At this moment, we have a greater demand and, consequently, a greater production of fruit. But in December there is a tendency for slowing down the production, since melons do not grow well with rain, and there is the prediction for raining during this period,” said Pedro Lelis, responsible for making the seedlings.
Founded in 1995, Agrícola Famosa is a national company located on the frontier of the estates Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará. In its 16 years of existence, Agrícola Famosa has consolidated its name in agribusiness, characterized by investments in new technologies and constant research.
Source: Blog Carlos Costa – Pictures of Carlos Costa